Some already do this, but I would suggest to kilt-makers to work up a simple one-page info/instruction sheet to be included with every new kilt they ship out.
What prompts this post is an experience from only yeaterday. A friend of mine just recently received his very first kilt (a 5-yarder from Burnetts and Struth), and was going to wear it out for the first time last evening (to our local kilt night). I met him early to loan him a couple of accessories. He had the kilt on properly -pleats in the back - but he complained about the constrictive feel of the garment around his thighs. Yep, the basting stitching was still in!
A simple instruction sheet sent with the kilt would have prevented this embarassing situation. There are lots of "first timers" buying kilts! Give 'em a helping hand....