I was at the Scottish pipe band championship on Saturday in Dumbarton with temperatures in the 70's.
As usual at this event I was kilted but in reflection wearing a kilt belt and sporran and even kilt socks at the ankle was a bad decision.
I have said before on this forum I cannot understand how some of our members who stay in very warm climates can wear even a light weight kilt in preference to shorts.

Like all X-markers I thoroughly enjoy wearing the kilt and look forward to events where I can go kilted but I have to confess that on Saturday I wish I had worn shorts.

Perhaps one guy there had the answer as he wore his kilt without sporran and belt which always seems to weigh a ton on warm days, but I feel that just wearing a kilt without any accessories never looks good.

So i have to hand it to the guys in warm climes and wear the kilt even though its a light weight.