Memorial Day, I always remember my Dad. Dad was a US Navy Officer for 22 years. He saw service in WWII in the Pacific, at Eniewetok Atoll, and as an ensign in the Atlantic, on board destroyers running convoys from Brazil to England. Dad was in the fleet that witnessed the first Hydrogen bomb detonation, again at Eniewetok, and served on destroyers during the Korean War.

Dad's only sea-going command was the LCI 983. In the summer of 1946, the USA set up a group of social scientists, doctors, agricultural scientists and engineers to do a survey of the islands of micronesia, as part of the organization to decide how those islands would be governed at the end of the war. Dad kept a photo album of that trip, and it's one of my most treasured keepsakes.

My Dad was a US Veteran, and I am proud to be his son.