I spent last weekend at our largest local Games, at Costa Mesa.

It's interesting, at Pipe Band and solo piping and drumming competitions, to see the dress of the various judges.

Though these people have spent most of their lives playing in Pipe Bands their dress is not Pipe Band dress per se, because the judges are either retired from playing in bands, or if they are currently playing in a band they avoid wearing the band uniform while judging.

These people will go out and obtain an entire outfit, kilt and all, that they wear primarily for judging.

In any case the sporran worn by Canadian judge Jamie Troy caught my eye. It's the cantle from a Gordon Highlanders officers' horsehair sporran put onto a plain leather Day sporran. Very nice. The front of the sporran has three riveted flaps like those on a Hunting Sporran. His kilt is lovely as well. You probably wouldn't see any Pipe Band going with kilts like that.