Scene 37

We made our way through the building, trying to find an exit.

“That way,” The Wrecker indicated.

We burst through the door, only to stop dead in our tracks.

We had made it outside the building, only to find ourselves confronting a force of nearly fifty men, all of them armed with submachine guns.

The base commander walked up to us. “So, Mr. Dove, you have assistance,” he said to me. He looked over Steven in his Egyptian garb. “You must be the one who disabled so many of my guards. I take it you’re not really one of my soldiers,” he said as he ripped the cowl from Steven’s head. “I do wonder how it is you managed to disable a whole room full of guards though. What was it, gas or something?”

“Something like that,” Steven answered.

Good,” I thought to myself. “He has no idea about Deena.” The pixie was hiding under the eave of the roof above us, having darted there before the soldiers could notice her. Perhaps she could do something.

“I would like to execute you right now for attempting to escape,” the Commander said to me. “However, the Pharaoh wants to do that himself, so I have to keep you and the Wrecker alive for that.” He turned to Steven again. “But, the Pharaoh didn’t say anything about you, so I don’t have to worry about keeping you alive. I’ll probably even get a commendation for eliminating an enemy of the empire.”

He stepped back and spoke to his guards. “Kill him!”

Two of the soldiers stepped forward with their weapons pointed at Steven while the other guards kept their weapons trained on us to prevent our interfering.

Just then, Deena made her move. “No!” she screamed at the two soldiers. This was not the normal scream of a small pixie, however. Her magic increased the volume and force of her voice exponentially and the roar overcame the two guards. They staggered back with their hands clasped to their ears. I could see blood trickling through their fingers.

The other soldiers were also shocked from the force of the pixie’s attack and momentarily hesitated.

That was the opening I needed. I grabbed Steven and we started running, rushing through the opening that the Wrecker formed as he pushed through the group. The soldiers soon recovered and began firing at us. We dove behind a low wall for cover from the bullets, only to find ourselves trapped there.

As we crouched behind the wall, we suddenly heard a loud explosion. The Wrecker’s mouth spread in a wide grin.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I have friends too,” he chuckled in response.