After another member asked about checking the uniqueness of a tartan he designed and plans to have woven I started thinking--which is seldom a good thing. I have a question for Mr. Newsome, or anybody else with expertise in this area. What exactly makes a tartan official? The US military branches, for example, all have tartans, but none are authorized for uniform wear or endorsed by those branches(except the academy tartans, but that's a different discussion) yet they are known well and accepted by John Q. Public as the "official" Army, Navy, USMC, etc. tartan.

With the exception of uniform regulations where they apply to military units, does this require recognition from the group being represented by the tartan or is there actually anything that makes it official other than STA registry or copyrights? Or does official simply mean it is registered under a name? I would also dig input from those who own tartans about how they are regulated and what it takes to mill a tartan that is copyrighted.

Thanks all.