Kilts at the Science Fiction Convention....
Over the weekend I attended the ApolloCon Science Fiction Convention here in Houston. There were about a dozen guys in kilts at the con this year, mostly in Utilikilts, but I saw at least about three or four of us in more traditional kit over the two days. I promised I'd get photos of the guys in kilts, but I'm afriad I didn't do a very good job, so while this is a little low on kilt content, I got some fun stuff, here we go...

How about a little steampunk? This is O.M.Grey, a Texas author (and holder of a BA and MA in British Lit) who works in the paranormal romance and steampunk genres.

Here's Ms.Grey and my friends Moogie and Sandy.

Here's Linda, who missed the photo session, but I did catch our friend Scott darting by in his UK!

I ran into Faith and Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the dealers room! actually this is Ju-Ju and Lollie, some renfaire friends.

My wife had to get a picture with Buffy.

Here's a bad picture of me MC-ing my Sci-Fi club's trivia contest, I think one of my questions just gave the middle contestant mild brian damage...
There is a costume contest every year, here are some of the contestants, either on or backstage.

"The Boss" and "Naked Snake" from the Metalgear video games

An out of work Oni.

Robot costume based on Hajime Sorayama's 'Sexy Robot' paintings.

From Star Trek to True Blood's Snookie Stackhouse, little bit of everything.
a couple more to come...
Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
"If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"