As I've posted previously in the Tartan section of the forum, my surname is Swan and I have been searching for the clan to which my ancestors belonged. While most people seem to have the luxury of comparing their last name to the names of the clan and the lists of septs, I have found a rather frustrating issue with these lists and my name.

It's listed under two clans.

According to The Lord Lyon's website: "There is no official list of recognised septs. This is a matter for each chief to determine. But where a particular sept has traditionally been associated with a particular clan it would not be appropriate for that name to be treated by another clan chief as one of its septs."

That didn't stop the Swan name from being included in both the Clan Gunn and Clan MacQueen lists.

I've done as much family research as seems possible currently, and the trail goes cold in Midlothian (specifically Leith and Edinburgh) in the late years of the 18th Century or the very early years of the 19th century.

Combine with this the Swan tartan from the Affleck slides - it is indistinguishable from the "Ramsay Blue" tartan, and the Ramsays' main holdings seemed to be in the area in which my ancestors lived; though Swan is not listed as a Ramsay sept.

So, I am at a complete loss. I would love to know which clan my family considered themselves a part of (and get a kilt made up in that tartan), but I have run out of information and leads.

I realize many of you will suggest I pick one, take them all, or find a universal tartan that I like - and that is perfectly sound advice; though I think my ideas of clan membership and family identity are a bit too romantic for that.

If anybody has any knowledge of these clans or my family name, recommendations for additional searches, or can provide any other assistance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!