Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
Like Ryan and others have noted, there are good mask sporrans and bad mask sporrans. I really like the traditionally styled otter, wildcat, badger, pine marten ones- they tend to be of a reasonable size with relatively little 3-D effect to the mask itself and it's obvious they were professionally made. I really dislike the homemade version where one buys a pelt and essentially sews it into a bag. They always look like an unfinished BSA craft project to me.

I also think that most American pelts like raccoon, skunk, fox etc. just really aren't suited to the overall look due to how "bushy" the fur is, although muskrat and beaver seem to do okay. i have a badger mask sporran I wear for formal events, but it's really too big and clunky to wear comfortably for daywear.

David, we share the same opinions about the "homemade versions." Awful looking, IMHO.