Inspired by Canuck of NI's reference to the drive-in in another thread, my mind drifted back to the good ol' days when my buddies and I and a couple of our dates would cram ourselves and several cases of beer in the car and partake of one of the great pleasures of life, the all night drive-in.

So, if we had the all-night drive in kilt program, what movies would we pick and in what order? Remember that this would be a program that would most likely happen in the Northern Hemisphere, Western Segment months of July or August so we'd be looking at a program that would start at twilight and end at dawn...sundown at about 8PM, sunrise at about 6AM.

Which movies, what order and how much of which beer to get you through...let's assume a designated driver...and what's for breakfast when you get to Denny's? I'm goin' with the "Moons Over My Hammie"!



....for those in other countries (where you are most certainly thinner and have lower cholesterol), Denny's is a chain of family-style restaurants that specializes in large breakfasts...when you get over here, do try it...biscuits with sausage gravy.....mmmmm.