Scene 49
As we climbed the road leading to the Baron’s tower, I noticed that the day grew no lighter. I looked up and noticed the storms covering the sky.
Father Trefor noticed me looking. “Yes, it will be dark today, just as it is many of our days here. We must be careful and remain alert. The lack of sunlight means that the creatures of darkness can move with no fear. Direct sunlight normally forces them to hide during the day.” He shook his head sadly. “I suppose I should no longer say normally. The days have been like this for years now. Direct sunlight is no longer normal.”
I looked around at the rugged landscape. It was obvious that the lack of sunlight had robbed the land of its vitality. What few plants continued to grow were small and unhealthy. A loud cawing surprised me.
“Crows,” said Trefor, “Harbingers of death, they know that we walk into peril.”
As we walked, a fog rose around us. Its damp chill soaked through our cloaks and penetrated deeply. Although I knew it would sound melodramatic, I couldn’t help but think that the chill penetrated to our very souls.
As the road passed through a rocky gully, I couldn’t help but feel as if we were being watched. I looked around, but I could see nothing but the barren landscape. I noticed that my companions were also looking around nervously.
Father Trefor noticed our unease. “I feel it too,” he said. “It is the dark forces. They seek to make us afraid.”
“Well, they’re doing a good job,” I said, trying to sound light-hearted, but failing miserably.
“Indeed they are,” Trefor said earnestly. “Stick together and stay strong. Find what strength you can in each other. Stay alert; we must pass through a small patch of trees ahead. Any manner of dark things could be hiding there.”
The young man continued to follow the one called Dove. He could smell the fear on the people of the small group, but also their courage. A small patch of trees was ahead. It would be the perfect place for an ambush.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb