Last night while at the local bar, been there many times kilted, I was talking with 2 women I have known along time. One I hadn't seen since I had started kilting. She informed me that I shouldn't wear a kilt, and further more that I should switch my shoes for some sneakers and git rid of the vest. Even commented on my glasses. I told her my glasses I use for seeing so they really are not negotiable.

She informed me that I was an attractive guy and could do rather well with the ladies if I were wearing jeans. Out of everything the only item I was wearing that was acceptable for the bar was a blue checked shirt, though I'm guessing she didn't approve of it being tucked in. I had mentioned that I had really good feedback from women about the kilt to which she said they were just being nice. My redeeming came at the end of the conversation where I said "A weak person needs to follow the crowd, my self worth doesn't come from what others think of me. In regards to womens opinion of the kilt I've had my *** grabbed twice just while we have been talking."


Now nothing she said was in a mean tone or I wouldn't have continued the conversation at all. All this did get me to thinking that maybe some people are intimidated by those who make the effort to put themselves together with more thought and caring then just grabbing jeans and T-shirt that don't stink too bad. How does it harm anyone that I choose not to dress like a bum? This didn't seem like an attack on my kilt wearing but more an attack on my making myself presentable? I'm starting to feel its more socially acceptable to go the bar wearing dirty pajama pants and a white tank top then to wear a button top shirt and waistcoat? Maybe I just need to find a better class of bar.