Just for the record, there are NO profits from the St. Ninian tartan to date. The Catholic Media Office contacted the Scottish Tartans Authority to design a St. Ninian tartan, which is how I got the chance to be involved. The STA waived the normal design fee for the project.

So far scarves and neck ties have been made in the tartan, all of which are intended to be given as gifts to MSPs and to visiting dignitaries travelling with the Pope.

Children from some 14 schools named after St. Ninian will also be given kerchiefs printed with the tartan to wear while marching in the St. Ninian's Day parade this Sept. 16.

So, to date, no St. Ninian tartan has actually been sold, so it's a bit silly to speculate about where "profits" may be spent, as this is not a for profit endeavor.

There may or may not be plans to have it in production after the Papal Visit is over and I would assume if that were the case then a percentage of the proceeds would go towards some specified Catholic charity, but that's just one possible scenario for the future.

In any case, I think it's a great honor to have been able to be involved in the project and I am very happy to have the chance to have come across to Scotland to be present at the official launch today at Scottish Parliament.