Hey Everyone,

I heard this on the radio station and looked into the story and it is so true.
Article here: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/scale-size...ry?id=11600379

Thought I would open it up for discussion have you experienced anything like this with kilts? I know the majority of our kilts are Made to Measure so actual waist and hips are very important. If they give the pant measurements we know almost always it will be off.

It was interesting to see the differences in the sizes mentioned in the article. Reasoning too makes sense to me but could be seen as misleading too. Should their be a Universal standard?

From your experience have you ever been shocked by the size difference. I remember at a recent highland games people trying on stock sized kilts we had saying they normally wear 36 pants and had to go up to a 40 or 42 in some cases just to find one that fits. I personally wear 34 pants but my kilt is a 38" waist I believe.

What are your thoughts? Surprised?