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Thread: Wedding advice

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    9th September 10
    Ramstein, Germany
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    Joe, currently there are no regs regarding the wear of the kilt with mess dress; meaning it's against regs.

    As an NCO in the USAF, believe me, I have asked extensively from everyone I know (from the AB in the o-room to the full-bird that runs the base, and they've all said the same thing: no). As far as I know, the CO has no authority to authorize the wear of the kilt with any uniform combination. However, if you are dead set on wearing the kilt with a military touch, I would suggest re-fitting your mess dress jacket (take rank, Hap Arnold buttons off) and sporting an Air Force tartan.

    I'm not the formal authority on this by any stretch of the imagination, so keep asking around. Heck, it might not hurt to ASK your CO about it, maybe they can get you a waiver!

    But first and foremost, ASK THE WIFE-TO-BE! That's the first person you should get your dress code from!

    Edit: I personally wouldn't bother with any uniform items, and go with the PC. Wear the USAF tartan if color scheme for the wedding/wife-to-be permits, if you can get ahold of it. Don't say "frak the regs". I agree wholeheartedly with MacMillan of Rathdown: "Military uniforms are not worn together with items of civilian attire. This is a rule laid down in the regulations of the various branches of service in the United States (and elsewhere)."
    Last edited by troxel87; 15th September 10 at 06:44 PM.

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