No, seriously... In Japan, toe socks are very popular and I've taken a shine to them too...

One reason why I also like and wear them is because they go well with my Vivram Fivefingers shoes...

Which I use for tooling around town and hiking... But since I also hike kilted, it would be IDEAL if instead of a pair of toe socks I could get me a pair of "toe kilt hose" for the purpose... How cool would that be? But even if I don't wear my VFFs, having toe kilt hose in regular shoes is still very nice... I find that my feet stink less this way, and having my toes individually wrapped helps develop better muscle control and strength in the feet.

Now, I can pretty much GUARANTEE that no such thing exists anywhere, and mine would most likely be the first and only such pair to be put into existence, which means either a complicated DIY project (ugh...) or getting some kind, skilled hose knitter to make them for me.

What do you suppose it would cost (in time and money) to have a pair of kilt toe hose made up by someone? I would be chuffed if it were possible.