Hello All,
Being a cancer survivior I always feel a bond between those that are going through it. Last weekend I was shopping with my wife when I saw a young woman who obviously was undergoing chemo treatment. For some reason I was moved to speak with her and after introductions I told her that it does get better after the treatment. She looked at me kind of indignant and said "how would you know". I realized that I must have sounded like a casual observor to her suffering and she could not possibly know what I had went through not too long ago. I told her my story and I feel we both left feeling a little better, and I too remembered how she felt. You feel cheated, alone, and angry and maybe a little resentment towards those who are in good health. Her reaction was like so many others and like my own at that time in my treatment. So what better way to share and support other X-Markers who have been affected by cancer than a social group. I know it sounds lame, but it makes me feel better.