The end result is violence on the rise even though its tools are outlawed, and gentlemen being prohibited by law from defending themselves against criminal mischief. I think this is a terribly unhealthy mindset.

Make sense now? Or just TL/DR?
I see what you're trying to say, but I still think there's a huge difference between simple rude behavior and 'criminal mischief'. Laws differ in each state, but here in Texas where I live, 'criminal mischief' is a legal term, and I can assure you that we are granted the legal right to defend against it - including the use of deadly force in certain circumstances.

But that's not what we're talking about here. Two teenage girls taking a picture in public is something that can, and should, be handled without invoking "the law" or the use of force. And at the end of the day, even if we don't like being photographed by rude girls, they absolutely have the right to do it, and we are not within our own rights to stop them. Bringing up the rise in crime across the country does not change this.

We just have to learn how to 'take the heat' when wearing a kilt. This is why many men refuse to wear one, and tell us that we have huge cojones for wearing it!