I heard a blurb on the radio the other day about a new Pixar movie to be released in 2012 called Brave. It takes place in the rugged and mythic Scotland and the plot synopsis reads" the impetuous, tangle-haired Mérida (Reese Witherspoon), though a daughter of royalty, would rather make her mark as an archer. A clash of wills with her mother compels Mérida to make a reckless choice, which unleashes unintended peril on her father's kingdom and her mother's life. Mérida struggles with the unpredictable forces of nature, magic and a dark ancient curse."
The orginal working title was the Bear and the Bow. It will have star power voice overs with Billy Connolly,Reese Witherspoon,Emma Thompson and Julie Walters. I'm sure there should be some CG kilts to be seen.