I'm in Egypt doing a week or so of field work in the Western Desert, and I thought I'd post some pics of a typical day in the field. If you have Google Earth and are interested in where we're working, you can go to 26.298728N, 30.717982E

The day starts with a stop at the pita bread bakery where we buy a huge bag of pitas fresh from the oven to eat with breakfast and lunch. Here are some pictures of the bakery:

Two huge vats of dough (background), and one fellow tossing globs of dough by the handfull onto wood trays lined with coarse wheat flour:

The youngest baker in charge of carrying the trays to the oven:

Another fellow takes each blob, flattens it a bit, and tosses it onto a conveyor belt that takes the pitas through the oven and out the other side:

We buy them straight from the oven when they are all poofed up, and they're put on the hood of the truck to cool a little so that we can stack them in a plastic bag:

Then we stop at the local "supermarket" (and that is indeed what it's called) to buy cheese and hallawa and canned tuna:

And then we head out into the field. Here are a few pictures of the area where we're mapping and collecting field data. Not a blade of grass, not a tree, not a trickle of water. It rains here maybe once every couple of decades.

That's me in the distance:

My grad student and me working in the field:

Yours truly:

And, as an update on an earlier post about our driving adventures, we were driving back to El Kharga from the field yesterday, and two belts broke in the Toyota. Luckily, the driver had a whole assortment of spare belts, and, on the side of the road in the desert by the light of a flashlight and a couple of cell phones, the guys fixed the belts, and we were on the road again in about half an hour. One adventure after another.....!