Good evening all,

While researching the 'Kilts for Carriers' resolution proposed by Dean Peterson for a term paper (our assigned theme was 'advocacy for a cause,' and I thought this would be a fun topic, as it has proven to be!) I was bothered by the 'cliffhanger' ending of the story, in which Mr. Peterson said "...I'm taking this to the next convention in 2010..."

After doing a great deal of searching, I came across this NALC newsletter

in which the following item appeared:

The Executive Council’s
disapproval of
Resolution 13 was
upheld following a
teller vote, by a vote
of 2,627 to 1,222.
This resolution had
urged the NALC to
approve utility kilts
for purchase
through the uniform allotment program.


Not a happy ending for the story, but, as a kilt-wearer and a former USPS employee, I admire his determination!