To the uninitiated, Calton Creek was a mythical township in the Arizona desert surreally populated by Glaswegians. It was the cowboy town that featured in a cartoon strip titled 'Lobey Dosser' for many years in the Glasgow Evening Times, created by the legendary cartoonist Bud Neil.

The sheriff of Calton Creek was Lobey Dosser, (Parliamo Glasgow for a lout lying drunk in your hall entrance), the hero of the strip,with his faithful horse with two legs - El Fidelo or Elfie for short
The resident villain was Rank Bajin (Parliamo Glasgow for Prime bad one).

In the strip there is an abundance of characters both red indians and palefaces but yesterday at Partick railway and subway station, commuters were greeted by a statue of the GI Bride, one of the cast of of the cowboy strip that ran in the newspaper for over 20 years.

in the cartoon strip the GI Bride had a cameo role, perpetually trying to hitchhike home to Scotland with son Ned under her arm, her bubble usually read: ' Ony o' youse blokes going the length o' Pertick' (Parliamo Glasgow for 'Any of you gentleman travelling to Partick in Glagow)

The GI Bride is a companion piece to the Lobey Dosser two legged equestrian statue in Glasgow's Woodlands Road which was erected in tribute to Bud Neil during Glasgow's year as European City of Culture in 1990 (Oh yes we were!)

She was schelduled to return to Partick in time for the Homecoming celebrations in 2009 but her arrival was somewhat delayed. The bronze statue was put in place last night without ceremony.

Who says Glasgow is without humour and characters?