5th February 11, 12:26 AM
What should we have to accept when buying a custom made kilt?
Buying a kilt is a serious business for most of us here, I think. At least, I have in this, as well as in other forums, seen quite many members asking for advice about where to buy their kilt. And that’s what a forum is for, of course.
And no wonder. Whatever money we spend we like to have the best kilt possible delivered. Add to that that a kilt is often custom made, which is reflected in price as well as in delivery time.
And what would be more frustrating than after months of waiting to receive a kilt which is far from being satisfactory.
As consumers we know that some products are defective and therefore have to be replaced or repaired. We also know that in production they operate with tolerances and, that customers must be prepared to accept products deviating from a norm, settled by the company. So it must also be when we are talking kilts.
Looked upon from a manufacturer’s chair there are easy customers, being satisfied with almost whatever and there are difficult customers, who are never to satisfy and who shall always complain. Some kilt buyers belong to that category, of course.
Luckily, in most buying situations the offered quality equals the expected quality.
A recent example from this forum worries me a little bit, however. But perhaps I’m just one of these never-to-satisfy customers? At least, most of you seemed to me more positive than was I. Could it be that we just had a different focus?
Please look at the picture, which I have obtained permission to use and change my way.
My question to you as a consumer, a kilt buyer:
Should a custom made kilt looking like this be acceptable to you?
My questions to you as a kilt maker:
Supposing I ordered my next kilt from you,
1) How likely is it that you should deliver me a kilt looking like that?
2) If likely, do you think it to be within your tolerances, i.e. something with which I should have to live?
3) If not within your own tolerances, should you deliver me a new kilt without charge or should you pay me all my money back?
Barb, Lady Chrystel, Matt, (Nick, only if time permits, otherwise do take care of your family), Rocky, Scott, Steve ET others, what do you say?
I own several kilts from cheap Pakistani to pretty good wool kilts and I have a lot of pictures taken from behind in almost the same angle as this one, but I never saw something like this. Do I need to say, that I shouldn’t want to?
But again, I may just be one of these never-to-satisfy kilt buyers?
Kilted for comfort, difference, look, variety and versatility
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