When I'm not driving and at the same time can visit one of the larger outlets of our local government liquor monopoly, I always visit the tasting bar and try out the more interesting varieties of scotch they have available. Most of course are subtle variations on the usual scotch themes, but twice now in the last six months I've encountered scotches (or if you insist one scotch and one single malt) that were, subjectively, as sweet as a dry sherry. The first was Japanese and represented the only bottle in Ontario, so I didn't take particular note of the name (OK I did but forgot it soon after), but the most recent sweet version, this weekend, was a Longstreet 'Tokay Cask.' I was floored both times but not sure if it's just that my ability to taste scotch is developing (well, it is but I wouldn't have thought to the extent that it almost seemed as if sugar was added), or if they are actually making scotch sweeter, or if there have always been sweet varieties I just never came across until this year. Are there any opinions on this matter?