I posted about this in the Celtic events section, so many of you may already know- my living history group, the Renaissance Scots Living History Association, was invited to take part in this years Colorado Springs St. Patrick's Day parade for the first time ever! Huzzah!! Thought I would share some pictures with you lot! So to start of:

Color guard:

Our clan chief Cliff Hunter:

The New York 79th, who were in front of us, and absolutely thrilled that they could be right there with us! Seems they like us... or somthin':

Doc and Danny, discussing what fights they wanted to do. We were asked to put on a few fights when the parade stopped moving. And by way of a story, some drunk idiot a couple years ago in the Denver parade jumped in the middle of a fight, thinking it was fake, and ended up hospitalized... We ran crowd control this year!

Rob Hay, our hulking Shetland native, on crowd control. We actually had three cops doing this- Bob is the guy in the brown jerkin, Cliff, and Rob. So the crowd was well in hand!

One of our Native American allies. He didn't join us, as he had his own group:

One of our fight demos ending in a defeat. Note Doc on the left, Bob in the rear, Cliff on the right (can't really see him...) and the color guard in the front- insuring no audience participation!

Lunch afterwards- cudos to the wait staff at Phantom Canyon Brewery! There were 25 of us, and our drinks never ran dry! Fantastic service! If you're ever in the Springs, look them up!

And last but not least, we were asked by the ladies and gentlemen of the 79th for a group photo!