I bought NorCalPiper's Auld Scotland box-pleat and he sent it down to my son's address in California prior to my arrival for said son's wedding a week ago.
I wore this kilt as a tourist around L.A. for 6 of the 8 days I had before the wedding (as SWMBO had decreed I was not to sully my pristine B&S Crawford Modern kilt before THE DAY ;-)
This worked out very well, giving me a lot of experience and self-confidence in dealing all the little things entailed in wearing the kilt full time, and that stood me in good stead on the day of the wedding.
The Tilley hat may not be Scottish, but it's me.
Outside the Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar.
At the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, my younger son and 2 old dinosaurs...
Admiral! There be whales here!
Orange County Great Park, and my son joking about trying to fit more than one large spherical object into the shot.
And one last shot across the bows of the tartan tie controversy. I call this 'Crawford Overload'.
Sears made the shirt, and I happened to find it in a second-hand store a few years back. I only wore this for 5 minutes the night before the wedding in the hotel hallway just to get a photo, and who should walk past but the Mother of the Bride. I explained that this was not what I was wearing for the ceremony, but I think she was uncertain until the next day...