The wife and myself are working on several new songs that we have written for a new cd that we intend to release later this year.
I came up with the thought for an x marks 'input' for one of them, which would make the song quite global and an interesting way of writing the verses.
A little background to the song. Over the years of using public transport etc, I have noiticed that most people, if not all of them using it, have their heads either bowed down texting on phones or fiddling on laptops or got headphones plugged in listening to music etc. Apart from the engine noise, the bus/train is silent.
So thats whats led to this song ... the art of conversations dead.
If anyone would like to come up with a verse to follow on the first verse that we have written that be brill. Ideally we need another four verses. In the meantime I beaver on.

Heres the first verse

The Art of Conversation's Dead

The art of conversation’s dead,
Thought it something that I said,
On bus and train, the silence says,
It’s finger n’ thumbs, and texts instead,
Computer screens, conversation’s dead

Iechyd Da