So Saturday was the annual Edgefest rock concert here in Dallas. Amongst the lineup was Flogging Molly, so I thought it prudent to show up kilted! Saw a couple other lads out there in kilts, and got stopped for a lot of pictures and chats. A few guys who weren't wearing kilts confessed to liking them or even owning one... one guy said he wished he had the stones to wear his out to a place like that

I wasn't expecting a mosh to erupt during the FM set, but sure enough it did. A rowdy good time

In any case, I know all you guys really care about are the pics, so here we go. A lot more pics were taken than I got sent back my way, but here's what I do have.

This lovely bunch of youngsters assailed me before I even made into the gates!

Hrm, too bad she's about half my age......

And one of my [new] friends that I spent most of the concert hanging with.