We recieved two bags from the farm, one with the lamb and the other with all of the organs:

Thankfully, the cooking station was outdoors. The odor was truly a thing to behold:

We brought the heart, liver and lungs to a boil and then simmered for about 45 minutes:

Here they are cooked. Cooked lungs have an amazingly soft and squishy texture:

We cut out the ventricles and tough squidgy bits:

And started grinding away:

Nothing makes haggis mixture more appetizing than a grainy low res camera:

We'd been soaking the bung this whole time:

We mixed in the three onions, suet (we used about 3/4 of a pound), organ stock, toasted oatmeal, and spices (salt, allspice, nutmeg, cayenne, & black pepper... and quite a bit of it) and began stuffing the mixture in the bung, leaving room for expansion.

Three little haggis sacks: