
It is not an impression that the Forum Moderators are required to notify any and every person involved if a post is reported, it is a fact.

You are living proof that the Moderators do not take sides, they do not treat reports emotionally. They weigh the facts and act only in accordance with the published rules.

You were not penalized simply because it was found that the report that was submitted was just that, a report. the Moderators found that you had not violated the rules. During the process you were offered the chance to speak on your behalf. The Moderators listened to you and took your input into account in their deliberations.

The matter was resolved amicably, no harm done and no one holds it against you.

I've been seeing complaints of over-moderation ever since this forum started back in 2004. And you know what? It is simply not true. Yes, the forum is moderated but the stress needs to be put on the first part of the word. The forum is moderate. Those who are asked to become Moderators are asked because they have a proven record of being moderate in everything they do.

I would like everyone to realize that if a thread is closed, if a post is removed, there is a very good reason behind it. The voting among the Moderators showed that a rule was in fact broken.

Perhaps instead of what some seem to think about the forum being over-moderated is in fact the result of more people attempting to skirt the rules.

Our rules are simple. There are only 12 of them. Basically all we ask is that our members remember that this forum is about kilts. We ask that you leave your politics, religion, and weapons at the door. And we ask simply that you think about the other members who share this forum before you hit submit.