"Muffining" -- that's a new one, we've always called it "kneading" (through 50+ years of nearly continuous cat stewardship). I understood it was to help the milk get started, similar to the way lambs will butt their heads against mom's udder. Often accompanied by drooling and thousand-yard stare -- cats that is, the lambs I've seen go for "windmill tail" which is a real hoot to watch!

We do try to keep Eve (my avatar) and black/white Charlie away from the kilt and accessories but their hair decorates most everything in the house and is most likely knit into the hose and gartars I've made for Bob! Charlie was "helping" me knit just this morning. . .

There is a fellow in our neighborhood who walks his big gray cat on a leash but I've never been able to "gentle" a cat to that treatment, so no pics of the kitties with kilted Bob.