Well, yes and no.

I know, and most of us here probably know, that the vast majority of gay people do not cross-dress. They are simply attracted to people of the same gender. But if everyone in the world accepted reality as easily as this, there would be no discussion about this topic. What is at issue is the fact that a large segment of the population has no clue about either the LGBT community or highland dress. Pairing the two on a T.V. show did nothing to show either in a positive light. Instead of advancing the perception that gay/bi people are pretty much like everyone else, they chose to make him flambouyant. While we know that flambouyant folks are a small segment of the community, they played up the issue. Then throw in the kilt. Rather than address it as a traditional garment, it became a prop for the "gay guy."

I have no issue either way, as I don;t watch the show. If I had more time to watch television, I might. I merely commented on the principle behind their portrayal. They did themselves no favors on either front.

ETA: From the pictures I saw, the outfit really didn't look that bad. Not strictly traditional, of course, but the entertainment industry isn't overly concerned with "getting it right" all the time. I'm less concerned with how the individual wore the kilt than I am the message they sent to the target audience with a flawed starting position on both the character and the kilt.