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  1. #11
    Join Date
    13th October 10
    Pennsyl-tuckey-vill-burg-town (aka central Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
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    Quote Originally Posted by saxandpipes View Post
    Look, I don't care if someone hurts my feelings, I'm not defending my world-view, I'm defending people that are regularly put down- and were having that done here. I was simply trying to stick up for the down-trodden. People might not hear the hate in their own words, but it doesn't mean that others won't hear it. I will include the (full) quote that I assume you are referring to:

    Originally Posted by biblemonkey
    "The picture I saw had him in a prince charlie and it wasn't pleated all around just badly worn. Wouldn't it have been great if one of the STRAIGHT characters had worn it so they couldn't dismiss it as a skirt on a gay guy? I hate that show anyway."

    Certainly no reference to hate there anywhere...

    The fact that someone is a priest, a rabbi or the pope has nothing to do with it. In my opinion someone in such a position of power over others must take the responsibilty themselves to choose their own words carefully.

    And the point is that all of the comments I quoted are negative about gay people wearing kilts- why?! It makes no bloody difference. Why is that so hard to swallow?
    Please do not use my posts as examples of hate towards the homosexual community. I explained myself and I thought we had reached an understanding. PM sent as this is not the place for the more in depth response I have concerning your recent posts.

    Best wishes,

    P.S. I am not a priest, rabbi, or anything of the sort. Just a man who doesn't like Glee for reasons that have nothing to do with homosexuality and happens to be a Christian.

    P.S.S. I hate that American Idol show too. (;0P
    Last edited by biblemonkey; 1st June 11 at 06:04 AM.

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