Night before last, I had a salad for dinner that I neglected to wash before I prepped. About midnight my stomach started cramping in a way that was almost unbearable. By 1 in the morning I was worshipping the porcelain throne violently from bothe ends which lasted until about 6 in the morning. I literally had to make a palet in the hallway next to the WC so I could be right there when moments arose. I was delirious with pain and really felt the death would be some kind of relief from this! By 8PM last night things began to subside, and by this morning all the cramping,pain, and all that goes with food poisoning had gone. My body feels like I've run a marathon and I'm walking like an old man, but I feel 100% better. I lived in Africa for 6 years and NEVER got sick like this...this has to have been the worst!