Quote Originally Posted by GoodGirlGonePlaid View Post
You're trying swanky whisky at 21? Impressive.
I was drinking white zin and keg beer at 21 (klassy ), didn't even try whisky until I was "29" (33).
I started with Tullamore Dew and now call it Tullamore Don't.
It wasn't the whiskey's fault... I didn't heed wise advice like what has been given by other posters.

I do like whisky though, now.
Tullamore Don't, hilarious, I used to get hammered on that back in my Army days at a pub in Nuremburg Germany called Shamrocks. Have to agree with you, was great at first but I swore off whiskey for several years after one too many benders drinking that stuff. Now I drink much more responsibly and I only drink the good stuff.