I WOULD happen to still have it... although it has never occurred to me to wear it with my Kilt as it is still pukka mess kit and not obsolete. It also has tailored holes in the shawl lapels for regimental collar dogs (badges) which if removed, really spoil the look and appear as though the wearer has forgotten to put them in. This would be a cardinal sin in the Mess and one which would send the 'Top Soldier' into apoplexy and land you on duties till the end of time. That kind of rule of fear does things to the psyche of a man so there are some things even I cannot do. If it was all black (say like the REME) I may get away with it, I love the cut of a Mess Jacket but mine has coloured facings (on the shawl collar) and would just look like re-hashed Mess Kit, to me at least. I could never be comfortable in it for when you leave, you leave the club and you stop wearing the clothes.

If I were to excise the waistcoat for it's stand-alone loveliness, I would have to change the buttons and I'm not sure standard shiny, highland jacket buttons would work... But maybe that's because my eye wouldn't be used to seeing it that way. mmmmm... Maybe antiqued buttons?.... but then I'd have to change all the buttons on my jacket too... Ohhh it's all too much of a faff... What about black buttons... See where we are with this? I think I'll just leave it.

I did once consider replacing the square buttons on my PC jacket with Regimental buttons (I'm pickled in Regimental Pride) but then I took myself to one side and gave myself a good, stiff talking to. The nearest I'll go now to wearing any dress which reflects my Military connection is a Regimental tie (long tie or bow tie, neither are issued). Regimental Cufflinks if the shirt requires it (not issued) and very occasionally and only if I deem it appropriate (Remembrance etc), I'll wear my medals.

That said I have just acquired a Khaki BD jacket but those are long time obsolete now and I never wore one while I was serving so it doesn't connect with me the same way. I am seriously tempted to put period, cloth shoulder titles on it though. I'm still ummming over that idea.

The Mess Kit I have will never be sold by the way. Not by me anyway. It's not something I can bring myself to part with. Lots of amazing nights togged up in that rather splendid gear, Ooooh yessss! It holds a place of special reverence... In my cupboard. I've still got my Pace Stick too. And my drill boots. How sad is that?