Ok, so many of you already know that I'm a sucker for new tech and toys and whatnot.

So... Google Plus. Who's in? (Who wants in?) Not sure if it's still invite-only, but if it is, I may be able to help.

To avoid the inevitable: "What the %#(@ are you taking about?" posts that will ensue, along with the "I stopped keeping up with technology when I got that new-fangled abacus" posts, here's the quick run-down.

Google is taking a new stab at social networking, after several ill-fated efforts. Its new product, Google+ is a lot like Facebook, but has a very flexible interface and a VERY nice system of "circles" which allows you to classify your contacts into appropriate groups -- so when you post things for people to see, you can easily make it so only family sees your "family" updates, and only your friends know about the next keg party without mom seeing drunk pictures of people making fools of themselves... Or even less nefariously, if I have friends who have certain interests but others who don't give a hoot, I can custom tailor things that way too.

I think it's really neat! Last night I did a webcam "hang out" session with a friend... It was almost like being in the same room with him... And we could even do things like watch Youtube vids simultaneously. I would definitely recommend that people give this a try! :-)

More info here: https://plus.google.com/