Quote Originally Posted by tripleblessed View Post
I will interject here that a lot of fad diet info is easily available, complete with faux science to boost book sales. Proceed with caution. Short term weight gain is possible, certainly, but long-term over-consumption of animal protein and suppression of complex carbohydrates is a virtual recipe for cancer. Plus, your brain cannot operate w/o fuel, and that's built from the carbs.
Your commentary about cancer could not be any farther from the truth. I will leave it at that, as I do not want to water down Biblemonkey's thread nor do I want to get involved in an Internet argument, but let's just say I've extensively researched this particular diet, and trust it enough to feed my only son and wife.

If you would like more information, please feel free to send me a PM. But please, please, don't make statements like those above without some kind of legitimate research behind it.