26th July 11, 05:28 PM
 Originally Posted by Zardoz
Sounds like he only rents them for formal events, so it's sad, but not too surprising, that he feels the same way about his national dress as an adolesent does about his rent-a-tux on prom night.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
26th July 11, 05:40 PM
I can vouch for this part:
For some reason, with certain women in particular, a kilt appears to be attractive, with the power to transform even the most frighteningly plain-looking men (cough) into a dish of some sort
Half the fun in a kilt at all is because women think I look damned good in them. The other half of the fun is that I think I look damned good in them.
The rest of his article makes him sound like a whiny kid. More than anything I'd tell him to grow up and get over it already.
26th July 11, 07:03 PM
I didn't think it was such a badly written article, or that much of a rant... But the entire time I was reading it I felt like interjecting, "Uhhh.... You're doing it wrong."
And quite honestly, if he had any desire or inclination to wear kilts (which he clearly doesn't, perhaps having been forced into one a few too many times as a lad growing up), most of his objections could be easily overcome.
I agree -- wool on bare skin is not particularly pleasant. But that's no reason to jump ship. There are many ways around this.
Too hot? Too cold? Again, there are simple solutions readily available for those who care to seek them out. But then again, that's the key phrase right there....
26th July 11, 09:01 PM
And here's me caring.
You missed it?
Well here it is again.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
26th July 11, 10:10 PM
You can always email him. Or comment on the article. Maybe he will put more thought into how he wears the kilt after many testimonies from those who love wearing the kilt.
27th July 11, 01:19 AM
It's just one opinion out of many. He pointed out some thinks which are to be considered in kilt wearing. But I still think the kilt is the best thing to wear!!!
I like the breeze between my knees
27th July 11, 02:14 AM
"Forced to wear a kilt." What, they beat him round the head with £5 notes? If he doesn't want to wear a kilt, then he shouldn't wear one.
So what does he usually wear? In the UK, good suits are made of - WOOL. Of course, he could be wearing one of those shiny polyester things that calls itself a suit.
I seriously doubt that he has ever wore a kilt.
27th July 11, 02:35 AM
Omygosh ! What a twerp. But the light shines, look at the comment which advocates XMarks !!
27th July 11, 02:36 AM
It may surprise many of you, but those opinions are not unusual---common no----- in Scotland and voiced by Scots.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
27th July 11, 05:03 AM
I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here for a second, just to provide a counter point.
Itchy scratchy fabric: Likely the author is allergic to wool as many people with an allergic reaction to the fabric will claim this. He might also be dealing with some very old kilts, especially IF he started wearing them as a child. Most likely rental (hire) clothing. As we know, the more we clean the fabric, the more lanolin we remove which can cause the fabric to become "Itchy & scatchy."
"SO the iconic Scottish cloth that is tartan is making a comeback apparently – cue rapid applause from north of the border." Some of us like the tartan, some of us love the tartan and some of us prefer solid colors for our kilts. To each his own.
"It is expected that men will have to wear kilts for almost every wedding and anniversary, as well as many birthdays and even some funerals – and it’s an experience you’d do well to avoid, Wales." If we were expected to wear a tuxedo at every event, pretty soon we'd grow to resent it, especially if we didn't like to wear it in the first place.
"For those that are unfamiliar with the Scottish man’s plight, the process of squeezing yourself into the national dress is a complex and lengthy one." Obviously no one instructed him on how to dress and his kilt is likely a bit small on him. But hey, we all hear about that darn tartan material shrinking in the wardrobe all the time here as well.
"If you’re doing it properly, you’ll need a (proper) kilt jacket, a waistcoat, bow-tie, sporran (the pouch at the front), proper socks with flashes, kilt shoes...and that’s not mentioning the traditional kiltpin and Sgian Dubh (kilt knife)." This man likes to live a casual life. Dressing up for the occassion to him is just "Dressing up."
"All this combines into making the kilt feel like a heavy anchor weighing your entire body down, a big downside when you are trying to sashay around the wedding reception dancefloor." This would be because he rarely wears a kilt in the first place. We all know the feeling that first time we put on a tank - the weight is immediatly apparant. He'd rather wear PV in an 8oz. fabric. Either that OR he is wearing a lead-lined radiation smock as a kilt.
I'm quite sorry, I must stop now. After reading these musings again all I can really come up with is that this guy is a snot and doesn't like to wear a kilt. It's a bit late and I'll bet that he's sold all of the ones he may have owned. More for us!
I've found that most relationships work best when no one wears pants.
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