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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post

    I always like how you tend to incorporate colors into your accessories that are not found in the tartan. So many seem to feel limited to using the colors in the tartan itself (which is not a bad place to start, but can be rather boring over time).

    I especially like how your red cuff links in No. 2 tie in with the red dicing on the hose tops.
    I agree. This is an aspect that I am progressively getting better at myself, much thanks to the advice/photos of the rabble...and let's not forget...that especially includes the auld crabbits! Good point(s) Matt.

  2. #12
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    Well done...

    Sandy...thanks for sharing the pics. I love the bright hose...and also the diced hose tops! As Matt mentioned your ability to coordinate contrasting colors/hose with your kilt...something hit me about your kilt. Your tartan is quite possibly the most universal tartan ever (I think BW might also fit that bill). The fact that it is virtually a solid color kilt with only black and white striping makes it so that you can coordinate it with any color you wish and not "clash." I think this is preferable to kilts that have 4-6 colors in them. I know there are many who say "don't worry about clashing," but I definitely feel that there are certain colors that just don't/wouldn't look good with my US Army kilt...orange for instance...but I could definitely see orange hose going absolutely fine with your kilt...or yellow...or black...or red...or claret...or tan....etc. You get the point!

    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post

    David...I think it caught my eye in another thread as well...can you tell us about that open face buckle and where you got it. It's VERY unique and I like it alot. I think it reached back into history (rev war period) where buckles were commonly much wider than we are used to seeing these days.
    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhuntr74 View Post
    Sandy...thanks for sharing the pics. I love the bright hose...and also the diced hose tops! As Matt mentioned your ability to coordinate contrasting colors/hose with your kilt...something hit me about your kilt. Your tartan is quite possibly the most universal tartan ever (I think BW might also fit that bill). The fact that it is virtually a solid color kilt with only black and white striping makes it so that you can coordinate it with any color you wish and not "clash." I think this is preferable to kilts that have 4-6 colors in them. I know there are many who say "don't worry about clashing," but I definitely feel that there are certain colors that just don't/wouldn't look good with my US Army kilt...orange for instance...but I could definitely see orange hose going absolutely fine with your kilt...or yellow...or black...or red...or claret...or tan....etc. You get the point!

    David...I think it caught my eye in another thread as well...can you tell us about that open face buckle and where you got it. It's VERY unique and I like it alot. I think it reached back into history (rev war period) where buckles were commonly much wider than we are used to seeing these days.
    McRostie of Glasgow, Ltd., makes fine, high-quality,"open faced" buckled, leather kilt belts in which you speak of. They also make gorgeous bridal leather day sporrans, in which I believe, Jock Scot owns a black one. They also make wonderful sporran straps, not chain straps, but beautifuly crafted, bridal leather straps. I know David possess items from McRostie, but I am unsure if the belt he is wearing in the photo is from there.


    Last edited by creagdhubh; 29th July 11 at 08:05 AM.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post
    McRostie of Glasgow, Ltd., makes fine, high-quality,"open faced" buckled, leather kilt belts in which you speak of. They also make gorgeous bridal leather day sporrans, in which I believe Jock Scot owns a black one, as well as sporran straps, not chain straps, but beautifuly crafted, bridal leather straps. I know David possess items from McRostie, but I am unsure if the belt he is wearing in the photo is from there.


    Not only a McRostie sporran, but sporran strap and kilt belt from them too. I cannot say how long I have had them, but say 30 years and I have had no need to look at others. I give McRostie bridle(UK spelling?) leather a triple A rating.

    Jock not in summer wear! Just returning from a wee informal stroll to post a letter. McRostie sporran, sporran strap and kilt belt.

    Last edited by Jock Scot; 28th July 11 at 02:29 PM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  5. #15
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    Bridle: Not just UK spelling, but proper spelling the world over

    "Bridal leather" probably bends the boundaries of XMark's rules
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  6. #16
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    would you like a bridal suite?

    NO thanks, I've got him trained to voice commands
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhuntr74 View Post
    David...I think it caught my eye in another thread as well...can you tell us about that open face buckle and where you got it. It's VERY unique and I like it alot. I think it reached back into history (rev war period) where buckles were commonly much wider than we are used to seeing these days.

    Kyle is right, it's a belt by McRostie, like the one below, but in their "Dark Havana" color:

    I've been very pleased with this belt, as well as a leather sporran strap that I bought from them. Their craftsmanship is excellent and their customer service is great. I highly recommend them.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by sydnie7 View Post
    "Bridal leather" probably bends the boundaries of XMark's rules

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Pardon the momentary derail, but do you dress like this every day, Jock? I walk to my mailbox in a pair of old paint-stained shorts and a sloppy T-shirt. It looks like I need to shape up!

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    Pardon the momentary derail, but do you dress like this every day, Jock? I walk to my mailbox in a pair of old paint-stained shorts and a sloppy T-shirt. It looks like I need to shape up!
    Well yes I do, but not always wearing the kilt. If not the kilt then cords, tweed plus 4's, or some such, but nearly always a collar and tie,( tattersall/bengal stripe/gingham check type shirt) when plodding about the place. Often a tweed jacket, or perhaps, a wool pullover(sweater) sometimes both!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 29th July 11 at 05:55 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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