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  1. #11
    Join Date
    19th May 08
    Oceanside CA
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    That "festival" line cracked me up. Good one, cuz!
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  2. #12
    Join Date
    3rd August 09
    Fayetteville, North Carolina
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hood View Post
    Utilikilt already has their "Mocker," which is plain cotton fabric and "modeled on" chinos.

    Deliberately asked, last few weeks at a Jos A Bank and Men's Wearhouse about kilt hose and while not kilted, was treated to a perhaps suspicious-apologetic, "We do not have any" (and perhaps in their minds, "...should we?"
    Re: the mocker...I agree that this would be a good kilted alternative to chinos/dockers....but for one small problem. I pay about $30-45 for a pair of Dockers...the UK Mocker runs about $190-200. When they start making them for $75 or less, then I'd consider that an adequate replacement. But, alas, I don't think the market would ever allow that.

    Regarding asking for kilt hose...I think it's funny that JosABanks and MW sounded apologetic for not carrying them. Who would expect them to...unless of course they do kilt hire business with their other tuxedos?

    The one place that I have been that I was quite surprised that they didn't at least have some cheaper white pairs of kilt hose is a local shop that ONLY SELLS socks. It is called "The Sock Shop." They have every type of sock that you could possibly think of, I believe...toe socks, knee socks, dress socks, athletic socks, stripes, patterns, colors, whimsical designs, hiking socks, golf socks, tights....but not a single pair of kilt hose in the place. I brought this to their attention, of course!! Apparently I wasn't the FIRST guy to ask...but the owner indicated that they haven't been asked more than 2 or 3 times. He indicated that maybe they should look into carrying them...but I think that was more to make me think he cared about his customers than an actual intent to to go out and order kilt hose so that they can stock them.
    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

    Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921

  3. #13
    Join Date
    25th January 11
    Winfield, MO (originally from NE Scotland)
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    Didnt Brooks Brothers carry kilt jackets a long time ago? I seem to recall seeing pics of an advert for them...

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    I am all for capitalism and the supply/demand economy. If there was a large interest in kilts, you would see them in large dept stores. Unfortunately, there is not a large demand for kilts. Which, I think, is a good thing for those advertisers here.

    I also agree with longhuntr. Until the price comes down, you just won't see a big interest. I have to have 5-6 nice pair of paints. There is just no way to afford similar model in a kilt (the mocker for example).

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    On the other hand...'just purchased a $52 Economy kilt in solid black acrylic "wool" from Stillwater and it seems a good bargain. 'Would have added khaki and olive, had they been available.
    Last edited by James Hood; 14th August 11 at 11:18 AM. Reason: capital letter mis-placed

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