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  1. #1
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    Thanks for the Blackwatch info J. Carbomb

    Jimmy, I read your posts just before going out to SF. My friend has a real thing for all things Irish, especially Irish pubs and the republicans. We met at a republican bar. If I had not read your posts, I might have walked in there wearing my black watch tartan.

    Would you think Blackwatch is disrespectful on St. Patrick's day? I will probably wear the Royal Stewart anyway, but I'm just wondering what your well thought opinions are?
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  2. #2
    Graham's Avatar
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    Welcome to the board Erudite, how did you find us?
    Tell me, would many really know the Black Watch tartan?

    I saw a guy in a kilt on the weekend, I thought it was BW, but turned out to be something very close, but not the same (he was Canadian, not sure what clan).

  3. #3
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    My thoughts exactly, Graham!
    My Stillwater Black Watch is my only NICE "green-dominant" kilt, and will be worn on St. Paddy's day, as well as to our Irish Club "meeting" at the Pub tomorrow.
    I don't think anyone will be the wiser as to the actual tartan it is. People will just think, "Hey, look! A guy in a kilt!".
    I'll risk it! - Dakotan

  4. #4
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    Could the tartan have been Lamont? I just discovered my roots may be Lamont, and the kilt is darn similar to BW.

    I found this sight reading the bravehearts forum. Which I found by (ummm) googling Kilts?

    Thank you. A pleasure to be here.
    And you may ask yourself, Well how did I get here?

  5. #5
    Graham's Avatar
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    Actually, I think that was it - Lamont, it was a nice tartan.

  6. #6
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    Re: Thanks for the Blackwatch info J. Carbomb

    Quote Originally Posted by Erudite
    Would you think Blackwatch is disrespectful on St. Patrick's day? I will probably wear the Royal Stewart anyway, but I'm just wondering what your well thought opinions are?
    If you're not Irish... not at all.
    If you're Irish and couldn't care less... not at all.
    If you're Irish and consciencious of the past... yes... a bit.

    There ARE tartans that are incredibly close to the Black Watch... like one of the Campbells.

    Here in the USA, as long as you're not in the AOH and marching in a St. Patrick's Parade... you'll be okay. It's just the same as not marching through the streets of Boston in the Orange with a Black Derby.

    There are just certain modes of respect that aren't observed here (merely by not knowing) that won't be a problem. It's a personal decision that goes beyond the garment, and hits heritage. As is pretty clear in a load of the kilt forums, these are pieces of clothing to 99% of the public.
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  7. #7
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    Disclaimer: My humble opinion only.

    It's a sad comment on our culture that many have lost the concept that certain things MEAN certain things. If a flag, a tartan, a military unit patch or a green beret is just a piece of cloth to you, you're a poorer spirit for it, I think.

  8. #8
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    I have to agree with Celt,
    I wear the tartan of the clan I am related to, as well as Black Watch & Scottish National, as those are acceptable as well. I would not (personally) wear a tartan of another clan without darn good reason.

    I admit I am a bit jaded here, I was a member of the Army 82nd Airborne, and wore the Maroon beret with great pride, knowing I had earned the right to do so. I aspired to one day prove myself and don the Black beret of the Rangers. Things changed, the black beret lost it's meaning and one day I showed up and was simply issued one, and I will admit, that I feel no pride in wearing it.

    Im not bashing those with no Scot or Clan affiliation, to me that opens up a whole lot of choices for you regarding what you wear, my choice is to have some meaning behind my actions, thats all.
    Theres a good feeling when there is a bit of pride and meaning in anything we do.
    Just my 2 cents.

    Keep kiltin',

  9. #9
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    That was an informative thread. I didn't realize the history of the Black Watch. I'm 1/4 Irish from my dad's side of the family(Larne, County Antrim AFAIK), but 1/2 English from my mom's. I don't have any issues wearing the BW tartan, although I'll leave it at home if I ever visit Ireland.

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    After reading J.C.s first thread, I went to the Regiment's homepage. It turns out they've been deployed in the North occasionally during the "troubles."

    On the other hand, isn't there a Canadian Blackwatch regiment, that has not had issues with the Irish?

    I chose the tartan after research about the Tartan, not the Regiment, because it was universal, and I do not want to anger a clan of Scots. It's also a good looking tartan.
    And you may ask yourself, Well how did I get here?

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