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  1. #1
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    What to wear with a Kilt at a semi-formal occasion


    I am a new member and I have a 21st Birthday Ceilidh to go to later in the week and I would be really grateful for a couple of tips.

    Firstly, I am 19 and my dad has said I can wear his kilt but I don't fancy the responsibility just in case is gets damaged. I am planning on buying a fairly simple and not too expensive kilt tomorrow and I have a sporran, socks, shoes and a belt at home. This kilt would then be used for going to the football and any future casual Ceilidhs but I am getting a proper Kilt with my clan tartan for my 21st. I don't know what to do in terms of a shirt/waistcoat/jacket and this is my real problem. I am thinking I should buy a shirt but I'm not sure what type and if I should wear a tie (probably not). I don't have a jacket or waistcoat that fits me and I was wondering how acceptable it was to wear a simple white shirt with the kilt. The other guys are mostly wearing smart trousers and shirts but I really want to wear a kilt so it's not too formal over all but I want to do it right. Also, if anyone has any strong recommendations of colours/tartans to wear or avoid it would be appreciated.

    I hope this post isn't too common and boring but I would be really grateful for any tips or advise.



  2. #2
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    Advice you'll get aplenty, but I'll start by saying "Just enjoy yourself!" And welcome!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  3. #3
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    I'd say take a look around the forum, looking at photos posted by members like CMcG for example or Downunder Kilt would be a good place to look. Another place to start would be the 1 kilt 10 looks thread that Jamie and I did a while ago. Here is the link.

    I'd suggest looking at outfits 4-8 from both of us. Also there is a great thread on Prince Charles who wears Highlandwear often when in Scotland and does it well.


  4. #4
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    Welcome from Vancouver, Canada. As Father Bill always offers the best recommendations... I would listen to him. I know you will get a lot of great advise from the members here. Congratulations on your 21st Birthday. That is a big milestone in your life.
    Lang may your lum reek and a wee mouse never leaves your cupboard with a tear in its eye.

  5. #5
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    I read you are 19 so not your birthday party. I like the tweed waistcoat and tie without a jacket look myself for semi formal.

    And welcome.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Where are you located? A ceilidh in the NE of Scotland would have had plenty of people in a kilt, plain collared shirt and a sweater...

  7. #7
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    I can fully appreciate the more traditional looks mentioned above but in reading between the lines of your post it seems you are going to be uncomfortable if over dressed. And if you go as "Prince Charles" you are definitely going to feel over done. You mention a tie.. well actually you mention that you probably won't wear one, so a jacket and vest are out.

    The kilt is incredibly versatile so my personal choice would be to try and match the rest of my attire to what you think the others are wearing. If they are going to wear slacks with a dress shirt tie less, then why not do the same with the kilt? Get yourself a classic button down dress shirt in a good color - I would stay away from white - blue is a classic look. If they are going short sleeve then find a similar shirt in ss.

    I am not as well informed as many on this forum are, but I've worn a kilt since I was a wee lad. And when I talk to parents of youngsters and more importantly teens such as yourself, I believe that wearing the kilt needs to be a comfortable experience, a confidence builder. You will be dressed differently, that is for sure, but you don't want to go over the top and make yourself stand out too far. I hope you understand what I mean. Many of us have taken years to develop a kilted style we are comfortable with, and most of us wear it to any and all types of occasions. Your first forays should let you get used to it as well. You will have many years of kilt wearing ahead of you to move up into more traditional styles.

    Others here will give you good advice as well, you will need to decide for yourself what will work best. And of course once you do, post some photos!
    President, Clan Buchanan Society International

  8. #8
    Chirs is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Your questions are not boring - most on this site live to offer advice!! - but, for the advice to be useful we would need more information. An important piece, as already mentioned, is "Where do you live?" What you're going to wear casually in Scotland will be different than in Argentina or Australia.

    You seem to have several ideas going here, both long-term and short-term. That's going to make a difference too. And it sounds like you intend to one day have a formal outfit (two thumbs up for that!!) so that will be another issue as well.

    Break down what you're looking for then build your collection slowly, being ready to completely change your mind every few years (as you see new things and as your sense of style changes). And, as the good Father says, enjoy!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ctbuchanan View Post
    I can fully appreciate the more traditional looks mentioned above but in reading between the lines of your post it seems you are going to be uncomfortable if over dressed. And if you go as "Prince Charles" you are definitely going to feel over done. You mention a tie.. well actually you mention that you probably won't wear one, so a jacket and vest are out.

    The kilt is incredibly versatile so my personal choice would be to try and match the rest of my attire to what you think the others are wearing. If they are going to wear slacks with a dress shirt tie less, then why not do the same with the kilt? Get yourself a classic button down dress shirt in a good color - I would stay away from white - blue is a classic look. If they are going short sleeve then find a similar shirt in ss.

    I am not as well informed as many on this forum are, but I've worn a kilt since I was a wee lad. And when I talk to parents of youngsters and more importantly teens such as yourself, I believe that wearing the kilt needs to be a comfortable experience, a confidence builder. You will be dressed differently, that is for sure, but you don't want to go over the top and make yourself stand out too far. I hope you understand what I mean. Many of us have taken years to develop a kilted style we are comfortable with, and most of us wear it to any and all types of occasions. Your first forays should let you get used to it as well. You will have many years of kilt wearing ahead of you to move up into more traditional styles.

    Others here will give you good advice as well, you will need to decide for yourself what will work best. And of course once you do, post some photos!
    What he said, in spades!

    Wear whatever type of shirt the other guys will be wearing. A dressy cotton or silk shirt will work well, as will a smart knit shirt, if they are popular where you live. You can add a sweater, but only if it will be cool enough where you live.

    The important thing is to be comfortable and have a good time.

  10. #10
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    First of all, welcome to the Rabble. As for shirt colour although white is always an option, I'd choose a shirt to compliment your tartan, blue, green, or tan work well for me most times. The tartan you choose could be your family tartan, blackwatch, or a district tartan that are open to all. Pick a tartan that you like, and that you will feel comfortable wearing. Also most members here steer clear of white socks. Good luck and be sure to post photos of your event for us.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
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