The young man below is a staple at Southern California games and does [what I imagine English Bloke would call] a crackin' job. I seem to recall somebody IDing him in another photo thread but "recall" is not my strong suit these days.
Just giving young Brodie some intermediate goals!
Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].
Emma said: "No one in the family plays the pipes or drums. But he heard pipe music when he was two and he started marching right away."
Ochh, the skirl o' the pipes sends a wee shivver doon yer back!
Speaking of Junior Drum Majors...
Originally Posted by English Bloke
... There was also a terrific little girl who was practicing for this competition. She must have been about 8 or 9 and was dressed immaculately in Kilt, Argyle and Glengarry cap. She was hurling her mace high in the air and catching it perfectly while marching along. She was very impressive indeed...
Clipped from my thread about "the worlds" in Glasgow this year. It would appear young Brodie is not alone.
Edit: Yup, crackin' job about sums it up. Anything that give kids positive focus is a good thing.