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  1. #11
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    Yeah, it's funny that here I am, advising people on riding clubs from a continent away! Heh... Since moving to Japan, I've really fallen in love with riding... Unfortunately a bike license in this country is RIDICULOUSLY expensive... It costs in excess of $1300, and then you gotta go out and get a bike?

    So the best I've been able to do is tool around on a little ol' Yamaha DT, as I don't need a special license to ride it. My regular, Japanese driver's permit is fine. But I've driven that lil' thing some fair distances though... All the way to the coast, around Mt. Fuji, to Tokyo and back... All several hundred km rides. (All in full head-to-toe gear though -- no kilts. I only ride my scooters around town kilted). The thing about Japan is, all the mountain roads and passes are so windy, anything bigger than a 400 is a waste... But most of the folks in these parts prefer riding on the wide, straight highways (toll roads) where they can open it up... That's where you see the 1300s, and all the guys with the crotch rockets.

    You'd be AMAZED though, how few people ride in proper gear though. I've had guys on
    Hayabusas, Ninjas, R1s, Buells, Ducatis, etc just blow past me doing double the speed limit, wearing little more than a regular jacket and a simple helmet. (They must think I'm completely daft to see me with my spineguard, kevlar gear, etc....)

    Anyway... I'm hoping that someday (soon) we'll move away from Japan and I'll be able to get a bike license that doesn't cost $1k+, and get a decent bike.

  2. #12
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    This is "Vader" a 2008 FLHX Street Glide. My friend kept telling people it was a "Star Wars" bike because of all the computers and tech on it. So, I named it Vader.

  3. #13
    Mickey is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    You'd be AMAZED though, how few people ride in proper gear though. I've had guys on Hayabusas, Ninjas, R1s, Buells, Ducatis, etc just blow past me doing double the speed limit, wearing little more than a regular jacket and a simple helmet. (They must think I'm completely daft to see me with my spineguard, kevlar gear, etc....)
    Same here in St. Louis. I am constantly amazed at how many morons ride like maniacs wearing tank tops, flip flops and novelty dog bowls on their noggins, then give me a ration for wearing full armor.

  4. #14
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    I ride in jeans, boots, t-shirt, vest, sunglasses, tartan shirt and a if it's cold or raining the leather jacket and chaps come out.
    No helmet law in NH. I choose "no". I've never, ever, given grief to anybody who wants to wear a bucket. Its a personal choice, and in my opinion should stay that way.

  5. #15
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    Quote Originally Posted by WillieMacG View Post
    This is "Vader" a 2008 FLHX Street Glide. My friend kept telling people it was a "Star Wars" bike because of all the computers and tech on it. So, I named it Vader.
    Dang nice scoot.
    EFI had a HUGE effect on bikes. Larger temperature range for riding, better fuel economy, more power. There's alot of positive. But when it comes to bikes, I like carburetors. They're simple, easy to tinker with, re-tune or flat out replace. But then again, I'm a tinkerer by nature.

  6. #16
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    Yamaha V-Star 650 - just big enough!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  7. #17
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    here is a couple pics of my '05 Nighttrain


  8. #18
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    Quote Originally Posted by BuchananBiker View Post
    Dang nice scoot.
    Thanks! Nice ride in your barn too!

    Quote Originally Posted by BuchananBiker View Post
    EFI had a HUGE effect on bikes. Larger temperature range for riding, better fuel economy, more power. There's alot of positive. But when it comes to bikes, I like carburetors. They're simple, easy to tinker with, re-tune or flat out replace. But then again, I'm a tinkerer by nature.
    I had an 02 Wide Glide. Last year carbureted. I liked it better than EFI, but, "Big Brother" (EPA) had other ideas. I too like to "tinker" with engines. Kinda took a while to get used to the bike having to "boot up" before thumbing the starter. LOL!

  9. #19
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    I used to ride, but gave it up when my wife became disabled. My preferences, though, went toward the BMWs starting with the F650, then moving to an R1100RT, and finally moving to a K1200RS. That last was my favorite of the group. Here are pics of the series:

  10. #20
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    Re: Steel Horses, any in your barn?

    Nice posts I really like that night train.
    My father bought me a 1950 panhead after I graduated boot camp at Parris Island.
    Oddly enough he bought it from a vietnam vet who was also a Marine even stanger than that he was in 2/7 which was my unit 30 years later than him will post pics when i figure out how to the pics

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