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  1. #11
    Join Date
    3rd January 06
    Dorset, on the South coast of England
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    Re: The pub where we have out kilt nights...

    On one of my machine knitting lists someone is lamenting that she has lost so much equipment and yarn - having saved some from the basement she stored it in the garage - the first hurricane flooded the basement, but after the second one the water came even higher and got as far as the garage.

    The first flood was not too bad, but the second one seemed to regard the rescued items as a personal challenge.

    Now the floods are going but everything stinks....

    I saw a TV program fairly recently where a local authority had allowed houses to be built on land subject to flooding, but had stipulated that they had to be designed so they were elevated above the normal level of floods - so they have car parking underneath and all the services and utilities are at roof level in there, and a perfectly ordinary looking house is built on the top.

    They estimate that flooding into the living area would be a once in a lifetime event.

    it might have to become the normal way to design buildings - and it would help to reduce the problems many areas in the UK have with parking.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  2. #12
    Join Date
    2nd January 11
    Tampa Bay Florida
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    Re: The pub where we have out kilt nights...

    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    On one of my machine knitting lists someone is lamenting that she has lost so much equipment and yarn - having saved some from the basement she stored it in the garage - the first hurricane flooded the basement, but after the second one the water came even higher and got as far as the garage.

    The first flood was not too bad, but the second one seemed to regard the rescued items as a personal challenge.

    Now the floods are going but everything stinks....

    I saw a TV program fairly recently where a local authority had allowed houses to be built on land subject to flooding, but had stipulated that they had to be designed so they were elevated above the normal level of floods - so they have car parking underneath and all the services and utilities are at roof level in there, and a perfectly ordinary looking house is built on the top.

    They estimate that flooding into the living area would be a once in a lifetime event.

    it might have to become the normal way to design buildings - and it would help to reduce the problems many areas in the UK have with parking.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:
    Quite common here in Florida. Many of these homes would need a 3 meter storm surge to hit "living space".
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: The pub where we have out kilt nights...

    I imagine that if there was still bottled liquor under all that water the labels would have come off. Single malts might look the same as the cheap stuff with no label. It might even be hard to tell the difference between whiskey, brandy and dark rum - at least visually. You could volunteer to help identify the booze, LOL!

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