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  1. #41
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    I can understand people being upset about this, but is this particular castle or mansion a huge symbol of the country? If not then let the owner keep it as long as the paint does not damage the structural integrity of the building.

    Then again, should I even have an opinion on the matter seeing as how I'm not Scottish or from the UK and am not a British historian.

  2. #42
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    Quote Originally Posted by kiltedRTR View Post
    I can understand people being upset about this, but is this particular castle or mansion a huge symbol of the country? If not then let the owner keep it as long as the paint does not damage the structural integrity of the building.

    Then again, should I even have an opinion on the matter seeing as how I'm not Scottish or from the UK and am not a British historian.
    still legit to have an opinion Afterall, you are a fellow human!

    I actually am with Taygrd being more annoyed with another nations flag hanging above Scotlands flag in Scotland.

  3. #43
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    Can see both sides of the argument, but have to say I'm firmly in the traditionalist camp.

    Yes, it is art rather than the meaningless tagging etc we see so often, but for me immortailise it in pictures, do a display inside, and put our heritage back as it should be.

    Reminds me of a Beautiful South line - The world is turning Disney and there's nothing you can do...
    AKA - The Scouter in a Kilt.
    Proud, but homesick, son of Skye.
    Member of the Clan MacLeod Society (Scotland)

  4. #44
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    I see a bit of Diego Rivera's mural work, combined with Nickeodeon. Upon further reading, I see that the Earl has other tourist attractions on his property, and that this is a way to bring in the tourists.

    It's his castle, and he may be eccentric, but I don't think it's appropriate or tasteful for the surroundings.

    I know I certainly wouldn't like it if my neighbor did that to his property. But to each his own.

    Cheers, Jocelyn

  5. #45
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    Quote Originally Posted by kc8ufv View Post
    When displayed in a non-moving way, visible from both sides, the field of the US flag is supposed to be to the North or West. When displayed in motion (or with the appearance of motion, such as painted on a vehicle, or someone's arm) it should have the field attached to the mast (or where the mast would be....). I can't begin to tell you how many places I've seen with the US flag on a person's right shoulder, with the field closer to the person's back.
    We're wandering seriously offtopic here, what with all the rules about displaying the US flag, but a couple days ago I saw a US military backpack in MARPAT camo, with a muted (shades of taupe) US flag centred upon it, the flag reversed. Was it reversed because it's on the backside of something?

  6. #46
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    We're wandering seriously offtopic here, what with all the rules about displaying the US flag, but a couple days ago I saw a US military backpack in MARPAT camo, with a muted (shades of taupe) US flag centred upon it, the flag reversed. Was it reversed because it's on the backside of something?
    The muted flag is used almost exclusively on unoforms, typically on the right. Though I am not completely certain about flags on the back, I would suspect it was mosly an availibility issue.

  7. #47
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    Tee-hee! I think it's fab. I know Patrick Glasgow and, yes, he is flamboyant-- has he defaced Kelburn Castle? No, not really. After all it's just paint and in the Scottish weather I doubt it will last more than a few years. You also have to remember that this probably wasn't done in the wee hours of the day when no one was looking-- I'm sure both the Arts Council and Glasgow's local council (as well as Historic Scotland) would have been involved in granting permission for this to be done well before the fact.

    So I say, "Well done Patrick! You've brought a spot of colour to Largs."
    I would agree with this comment. Glasgow has a very youthful flair to it these days with color and excitement. However, I'm sure that this will probably only remain as a temporary exhibit.

  8. #48
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    It's his castle and the harling is only temporary. Art isn't always pretty.

  9. #49
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    I'd just be pretty peeved if I lived in the castle next door...

    or you know..down the hills and across the glen.

  10. #50
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    Re: The disrespect turns my stomach.

    There was actually a scene in Made of Honor where Patrick Dempsey was on a short kilt, and a very short one, looking like a mini skirt worn by some of those younger generation young women.

    It was actually funny but when you come to think of it, it would be such disrespect if someone really pulls that one off. It was a movie so it was at a certain point, just fine.

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