Re: Sgian scabbard

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I know this posting has been quite for a few months...
I was looking at a simple paint stir stick the other day and thought "if I just cut it to a point, then a little paint..."
Has anyone made a wooden practice (or public safe) sigan?
What exactly were you going to shive wit' that stick?
I have never made a practice sgian, but I understand across the water that blunt silver blades were in vogue a while back...could do the same with pewter I suppose. Don't know why-peeling fruit maybe? On the other hand-as far as "safe"-I know some folk who can use a spoon effectively in an altercation, so it may be up to the owner, what level of "safe" they want. I have a book, one "The Scottish Dirk" by James D. Forman, that details a short section on "childrens" dirks-ones that are simply handles and scabbards, no blades. Jewlery, if you well, the look without the risk. I would imagine that the same idea could be applied to an adult sgian.
A pitchfork is a polearm too!