15th October 11, 01:43 AM
Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
Last year I posted a thread, "How Is Halloween Celebrated In Scotland?," which, of course, degenerated into a discussion of the appropriateness of palm trees to Christmas...
It was a little sad to see some names who no longer post here, and it brought back memories.
So, what do you all have planned for what ever you celebrate at the end of October, or on into November?
It's usually fairly quiet around my neighborhood on Halloween, and I don't do much. My friends are usually busy with the kids coming by for candy, and don't have much of a celebration until later on in November. That's often a small bonfire and food for Thanks Giving.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
15th October 11, 04:25 AM
Re: Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
We'll be hanging around the house, passing out candy. My kids have never been fond of dressing up-they're Autistic, so it's too weird for them-but they do like to see other kids dressed up. I may put my dogs' costumes on them for a while. They like to dress up and be admired!
15th October 11, 04:32 AM
Re: Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
I always try to put together something to scare the local urchins but this year we may try to do some kind of "block party"
15th October 11, 06:08 AM
Re: Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
We've got a cub meeting so the Wife is running the session as she finally got invested last week, doing face painting, demistifying some of the rubbish talked about the 'devil worshipping' side of Samhein, playing some games, doing some craft stuff - making spiders, bats, etc, and just plain having fun.
AKA - The Scouter in a Kilt.
Proud, but homesick, son of Skye.
Member of the Clan MacLeod Society (Scotland)
15th October 11, 06:18 AM
Re: Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
 Originally Posted by Bugbear
So, what do you all have planned for what ever you celebrate at the end of October, or on into November?
I'll be celebrating Reformation Day on the Saturday that falls before October 31. It's been an annual observance of our congregation for several years. From time to time the focus is on the Reformation in Scotland, particularly Knox and the Covenanters.
15th October 11, 11:37 AM
Re: Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
All Sounds good.
Cajunscot posted a link to Robert Burns' Halloween in the other thread.
The thread is closed at this point, but here is a reconstructed copy and paste of his post:
One of the best sources...
...for learning about how Lowland Scots celebrated All Hallow's Eve in days of yore is Robert Burns' Halloween:
It is interesting to compare this work with a collection such as Vance Randolph's Ozarks Magic and Folklore, and once again note the contributions of the Scots to what we consider to be "traditional" American folklore.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
15th October 11, 11:49 AM
Re: Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
I'll be at work on Halloween (yay! I'm working!) so nothing special for me. Although I've heard some of my co-workers may be getting costumed up somewhat. (Can't get too costumey since we're in a warehouse environment - have to be careful around the conveyor belts and forklifts ya know.)
15th October 11, 12:38 PM
Re: Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
 Originally Posted by EagleJCS
I'll be at work on Halloween (yay! I'm working!) so nothing special for me. Although I've heard some of my co-workers may be getting costumed up somewhat. (Can't get too costumey since we're in a warehouse environment - have to be careful around the conveyor belts and forklifts ya know.)
Ya, I haven't done costumes for a long time, though I do enjoy costume events and such.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
15th October 11, 01:14 PM
Re: Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
Well, Ted, next weekend, we're attending the Denver Zombie Crawl, and probably will watch zombie movies afterwards at my place. The following Friday, my wife and I are attending a Steampunk Victorian masquerade ball, and then on Saturday, my kids are having their Halloween party. Sunday is the Colorado Witches Ball, which includes an open Samhain ritual at midnight. And on Halloween, I'll be dressing the house and yard up all scary-like, scaring people, and giving them candy for their troubles. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
15th October 11, 01:24 PM
Re: Plans for Halloween or Other Celebrations of the Season?
Ah, the Zombi Crawl, and Witches' Ball.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
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