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Thread: Lapel Pins

  1. #11
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    Re: Lapel Pins

    Most I've ever worn was two when I was Grand Chaplain to the Masons - one for the fraternity, one for the Anglican Church of Canada in order to clarify my affilliation. The rest of the time, one or none, and if any then very, very small.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  2. #12
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Re: Lapel Pins

    I wear one lapel pin at a time, if I wear one. Which one I wear tends to depend on the situation, and whether or not I am representing a particular group. For example if I am representing the Scottish Tartans Authority or in another situation where I will be discussing tartan, I wear my STA pin.

    I have several pins I have received for service to my church, and I tend to wear one of those on Sundays.

    But my hard and fast rule is one at a time. Otherwise I look like a pincushion!

  3. #13
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    Re: Lapel Pins

    I almost never wear a lapel pin. A poppy, yes, at the appropriate season, and a members badge which allows me free admission to certain events. That's about it.

  4. #14
    macwilkin is offline
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    Re: Lapel Pins

    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    I wear one lapel pin at a time, if I wear one. Which one I wear tends to depend on the situation, and whether or not I am representing a particular group. For example if I am representing the Scottish Tartans Authority or in another situation where I will be discussing tartan, I wear my STA pin.

    I have several pins I have received for service to my church, and I tend to wear one of those on Sundays.

    But my hard and fast rule is one at a time. Otherwise I look like a pincushion!
    This is very similar to my personal philosophy on lapel badges. I have specific ones I wear to specific functions, but always, one at a time. In the case of lapel badges, less is truly more. I've seen many instances in some of the organisations I belong to wear someone will be wearing 6-12 at one time, which makes them look more like a Russian admiral!


  5. #15
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    Re: Lapel Pins

    The wearing of a lapel pin makes a statement. Like all things it has to be in context for the statement to be understood. For that reason, like others, I only wear one at a time.

    Most of the time I wear a dandelion in my lapel.



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    Re: Lapel Pins

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    The wearing of a lapel pin makes a statement. Like all things it has to be in context for the statement to be understood. For that reason, like others, I only wear one at a time.
    Ditto. Usually depends on the situation. For a job interview, a PMP pin might make an impression (hopefully that will result in an offer). On a kilt jacket, a SAMS pin or a St Andrew's Society pin would be appropriate.

  7. #17
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    Re: Lapel Pins

    When I wearacket with my kilt, I wear the pin of the current Grand Master of Masons in Maryland. I did wear a Ford Motorsports pin to a car show once.

  8. #18
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    I collect lapel pins, but only wear one at a time. I pin the rest of them to a hat like this.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  9. #19
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    Re: Lapel Pins

    Like Matt and cajunscot, I wear my lapel pins on my jacket/coat lapel (or other appropriate location when not wearing a jacket) one at a time, for specific functions. When I wear one, it's usually an Eagle Scout related pin (either the Eagle by itself or my National Eagle Scout Association pin). I also have a pin from my high school, a cross (from my senior retreat), and the BSA fleur-de-lis. I hardly ever wear any of those.

    I also have an Eagle lapel pin on my band Glengarry, in front of the clan crest.

    That said, I have seen convention-goers and/or tourists wearing multiple pins, likely representing the number of conventions attended.

  10. #20
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    Talking Re: Lapel Pins

    Quote Originally Posted by EagleJCS View Post
    That said, I have seen convention-goers and/or tourists wearing multiple pins, likely representing the number of conventions attended.
    You mean like this?

    I'm like everyone else, one at a time, and usually selected for certain events. Otherwise it will be a little Texas flag or the dollar sign.
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
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